Healing Strokes offers two forms of canine massage:
1. Therapeutic Massage – Boosts the circulatory and immune systems encouraging circulation, muscle tone, digestion and skin tone.
2. Sports Massage – Athletes
Pre Event – warms up the dog by increasing blood flow to muscles. Energizes and prepares muscles before an event or exercise helping prevent injury and promote flexibility.
Post Event – loosens up muscles and joints, prevents stiffness and soreness and helps to increase venus flow encouraging removal of wastes and facilitating recovery.
What is Canine Massage?
- Canine Massage is NOT petting!
- Canine Massage is deliberate and focused touching.
- Canine Massage is the manipulation of muscles and skin to promote increased circulation to all the organs and tissues in the animal’s body.

Benefits of Massage Therapy:
Increase circulation and oxygenation to the cells of the body
Improves elimination of wastes and toxins
Stimulates the immune system
Decreases pain, soreness and stiffness
Improves muscle tone and function
Increases flexibility and range of motion
Conditions that can benefit from Massage Therapy:
Orthopedic diseases (e.g. hip dysplasia)
Postoperative healing
Aging and inactivity
Sports injuries
Hindquarter weakness
Behavioral issues (fear, anxiety)